(510) 843-6389   1700 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley, CA 94709 support@lmi.net

MPOE stands for Minimum Point OEntry, and is used to describe the interface between your house and the telephone company wiring. (also called a NID, or Network Interface Device) AT&T is responsible for the wiring up to the MPOE, and you (or the building owner) is responsible for the wiring beyond the MPOE (called “inside wiring”).

For individual homes, the MPOE is usually a plastic box mounted on the side of the house. Here are 2 examples:









In larger multi-unit buildings, the MPOE is usually in a utility room, such as this:









Is your MPOE accessible? This is the most important question we need to ask you when your order PHLO service. Before your place your order, make sure you know exactly where your MPOE is.

“Accessible” means the MPOE can be accessed on the outside of your house by the AT&T technician without your being home (this is a very good thing!)

AT&T will perform their portion of the installation either at the MPOE on your house, OR at a remote location in your neighborhood. We never know in advance which they will choose. If your MPOE is behind a gate (locked or not), under your house, or in any other place that isn’t plainly visible, it is considered NOT accessible, and someone must be home to answer the door when the AT&T service tech arrives.

Please note: If your MPOE is not accessible, the decision to wait for AT&T is yours (we hesitate to ask people to wait for AT&T and possibly lose a day of school or work for nothing because AT&T might instead active the line from a remote location).

If AT&T comes to your house, the technician might not call you when they arrive. If the MPOE is not accessible, they will probably knock on the front door, and if no one answers, they might leave and your installation will have to be rescheduled for another day.

80% of the AT&T installations will occur between 8am and 12 noon. However, AT&T may arrive as late as 8pm. Fortunately, you only have to interface with AT&T once during the PHLO provisioning process. Once the loop is installed, we will call you and schedule a convenient time for you to meet an LMi.net technician at the house to complete the installation. Our technician will need to meet you inside the house to cross connect the wires at the phone jack.