Let’s Encrypt is the certificate issuer used by LMi. As of 9/30/2021, the root certificate Let’s Encrypt used for compatibility with older devices has expired. Users running older versions of macOS and Windows are likely to encounter a warning about an...
Understanding WiFi: Common Problems and Solutions As both an Internet Service Provider and business IT provider, LMi contends with a large number of issues related to WiFi on a daily basis. The symptoms of reported issues can vary greatly but the vast...
A Message To Our IT Clients Greetings Quaranteam! I’m sure you all love receiving emails from every vendor you’ve ever contacted explaining how they’re dealing with COVID-19. For us, it’s simple. we’re still operating at near 100%, but we are limiting onsite work as...
As an LMi.net member, you know that competitive internet access and telecom service is worth saving. A recent petition submitted to the FCC by the US Telecom Association, representing AT&T and other incumbents threatens LMi.net and all other competitive carriers....
LMi.net is constantly watching for potential security risks on the internet to ensure that our network and the networks of our customers remain secure. Recent news coverage has brought to light the existence of a piece of malicious software known as VPNFilter that...