LMi.net is not associated with SmartRG and can not facilitate or answer support related questions relating to this equipment for individuals or businesses who are not current internet customers. The default management password for SmartRG routers that LMi.net...
If you have one on our Zyxel VMG3925 dual-band DSL routers, here is how you can edit the wireless settings: Open your browser and go to “” Login as “user”with password: lmi1234 Hover your mouse over the the “Network Settings” icon at the bottom...
This page is for customers who are using LMi-net supplied SmartRG DSL Routers. Please save this info locally so you can access it if you lose you internet connection. Your connection to the internet has two main components: 1) Your router’s connection to the...
LMi.net is not associated with SmartRG and can not facilitate or answer support related questions relating to this equipment for individuals or businesses who are not current internet customers. By default, all of our DSL circuits come with a dynamically assigned IP...
More and more people are steaming music and video from the Internet, or from files on their computers. We often get asked about the best way to do this. Here are some of our favorite products… Network Attached Storage (or NAS) If you have your own collection of...
From time to time we get calls from customers that tell us their network speed has suddenly dropped way down. We then look at the bandwidth utilization for the circuit and see somethng like this: This is showing data that is being...