LMi.net is now using an anti-spam technique called Greylisting on our mail servers. Greylisting has proven to be quite effective at reducing the amount of spam our servers get. It works like this: When we get an incoming email message from an email server we...
All of our PHLO+ circuits come with built-in voice mail that can take messages when you are away from home, or on the phone. Your voicemail messages can be retrieved from any telephone, but you will need the voice mail PIN code that was setup when voicemail was first...
We have noticed over the past year an inordinate amount of spam coming in from certain top-level domains. (a Top Level Domain, or TLD, is what is after the last period.. such as .com, .net, or .edu). The TLDs we noticed in particular were .CO, .UK, .EU, .ME and .US....
We now have an on-line dashboard to manage many aspects of your PHLO+ circuit. The dashboard is at https://www.lmi.net/voice Using this portal, you can (among other things): View and listen to voicemail messages left on your phone number. See detailed phone usage....
Annex-M is a specification for DSL that will allow faster upload speeds (about 20% faster), at the expense of reduced download speed. For our PHLO or PHLO+ customers using VOIP or video conferencing, the improved upload speed can make a significant difference. If you...
LMi.net is not associated with SmartRG and can not facilitate or answer support related questions relating to this equipment for individuals or businesses who are not current internet customers. If you have one on our SmartRG wireless DSL routers, here is how you can...