Postbox is a new email client for Mac and Windows. It’s not free, but it’s not expensive ($10) and has many nice features. There is a 30-free trail available from their website Here is how to configure it to work with the Lmi mail server… Open...
For the past several months we have been using ZTE 831 DSL modems when installing PHLO lines for customers. If you have one of these, you can query the modem’s web GUI to see the actual connection speed of the DSL line. This is more accurate than the various...
Under MacOS X You can generate a key in Mac OS using the ssh-keygen command. You should run it in Terminal. You will be asked for a file in which the key should be saved to and for a passphrase (password) for the key: user@localhost: ssh-keygen -t dsa Generating...
If you are having trouble maintaining a connection to your own wireless network, the problem may be caused by one of your neighbors using the same wireless network channel as you. Most wireless routers will allow you to change the channel the signal is being broadcast...
An LMi shell account is an account on one of our Unix-based servers. All LMi Internet and Web Hosting customers can request a free shell account by emailing These accounts are activated only on request because the vast majority of our customers do not...
Our new mail servers now support both POP and IMAP protocols, which may lend one to ask “Which should I use”? (almost all email client software will support both) Here is a guide: POP (Post Office Protocol) was the most commonly used method of retrieving...