(510) 843-6389   1700 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley, CA 94709 support@lmi.net

Most e-mail programs display partial headers, which typically show the basic to/from information, the date, and a subject line. Full or extended headers (raw headers) have additional fields, including information on how the message reached you. They are included with each e-mail, but are not always visible.

LMi uses these headers to diagnose email problems – whenever sending us a question about your email, please include the full headers.

Here are instructions for viewing the full headers in various popular email programs:

Mail Program Instructions for viewing full or expanded headers
AOL Version 7.0
1. Click on “details” to see full or expanded headers. 

Prior to Version 7.0
Full headers are displayed on every e-mail, beneath the message area.

Apple Mail Version 2.x (Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger)
1. While viewing the message, Click on the “View” menu.
2. Click on “Message”, then “Raw Source”. 

Prior to Version 2.x
1. While viewing the message, Select menu item Message, Show, Raw Source.

The Bat 1. Click on “Messages” menu.
2. Click on “Save As.”
3. Save as “Type I” and select “Unix Mailboxes” (*.mbx).
4. Open with your favorite text editor (Notepad, WordPad, etc.).
1. Click on the “Messages” menu.
2. Click on “View Source.”
1. Click on the “F9” button on your keyboard.
Blitzmail 1. While viewing the message, click on the “Options” menu.
2. Click on “Verbose Header” link (top of the window).
Claris E-Mailer Version 2.0 and higher
1. While viewing the message, click on “Mail” menu.
2. Choose “Show Long Headers.” 

Versions prior to 2.0
1. Click on the blue triangle (near the “from” information).
2. Choose “Show Original Headers.”

Eudora Versions 3.0 and higher
1. While viewing the message, click on the “Blah, Blah, Blah” button, located in the menu bar directly above the message. 

Versions prior to 3.0
1. Click on “Tools” or “Special” in the menu options.
2. Choose “Options” or “Settings.”
3. Click on “Fonts and Display” from the menu on the left.
4. Place a check the box for “Show all headers (even the ugly ones).”
5. Uncheck the “Show all headers” option when you are finished, if you don’t want to view full headers on every message.

Excite 1. Click on the “Save to disk” and save as a text file.
2. Open the file with your favorite text editor (Notepad, WordPad, etc.).
Forte Agent Versions 1.5 to 1.8
1. Click on Ctrl+R (Hold down the “Ctrl” key while pressing the “R” key).
2. Repeat to display in normal mode again.
Gmail 1. Open the email message.
2. Click the down arrow next to Reply, at the top-right of the message pane.
3. Click Show Original.
4. The message with full headers opens in a new browser window. Select all, copy, paste.
GNU/Emacs Press the ‘W’ and then the “V” keys in the summary or mail buffer.
Hotmail 1. Click on “Options” (on the navigation bar, left side of page).
2. Click on “Preferences.”
3. Choose “Other Hotmail Options” or “Additional Options/Mail Display Options.”
4. Click on “Message Headers.”
5. Click on “Advanced” or “Full” and then “OK.”
6. Click on “View Email Message Source.”
KDE Desktop
1. Click on “Message.”
2. Click on “View Source.”
Lotus Notes Version 5.x
1. Click on “Actions.”
2. Click on “Tools.”
3. Choose “Delivery Information” and look for the separator line that reads “Additional Header.”
4. If “Delivery Information” doesn’t appear as an option, right-click on the e-mail and select “Document Properties.” Select the “Fields” tab to find the “Additional Headers” field. 

Versions 4.x
1. Open the message and click on “Actions.”
2. Choose “Delivery Information” and choose the Internet-style mail header information from the window.
3. If “Delivery Information” doesn’t appear as an option, right-click on the email and select “Document Properties. Select the “Fields” tab to find the “Additional Headers” field.

Lycos Click on the “All Headers” button (in the navigation bar).
Mail Warrior Version 3.56
1. While viewing the message, click on “File.”
2. Click on “Save Message As” and save as a text (.txt) file.
3. Open the saved file in your favorite text editor (Notepad, WordPad, etc.).
Microsoft Entourage Office: Mac (2001) and all OS X Versions
1. Click on “View” in the menu at top of the screen.
2. Click on “Source.”
Microsoft Exchange 1. Click on the “File” menu.
2. Click on “Properties” and then the “Details” tab.
3. Click “Message Source.”
Mozilla Click on the “View” menu, then “Page Source”.
Netscape Versions 4.x through 7.0
1. Click on the “View” menu.
2. Click on “Headers.”
3. Select “All.” 

Versions prior to 4.x
1. Click the “View” menu.
2. Click on “Headers.”
3. Click on “All” or “Full.”
4. Click on “Forward.”

Novell 1. While viewing the message, click on “File.”
2. Click on “Attachments.”
3. Click on “View” and select “Mime.822 attachment.”
OneBox 1. Click on the “Download” link (above the reply button).
2. Click on the “Full Message” link.
3. Click on the [folder name] link in the message window or the navigation frame to return.
Operamail 1. Click on “Options.”
2. Check the box for “Show Message Headers in Body of Message.”
Outlook or Outlook Express Outlook Express for Windows
1. Click on (highlight) the message title line (not the preview window).
2. Click on “File.”
3. Click on “Properties.”
4. Click the “Details” tab.
1. Click on (highlight) the message title line (not the preview window)
2. Click ctrl+F3 (hold down the “ctrl” key while clicking “F3”
Note: This will call up the body of the message as well as the headers. 

Outlook Express for Macintosh
1. Select the message.
2. Click on the “View” menu.
3. Select “Source.”

Outlook 2003
1. Right click on the message title line.
2. Click on “Options.”
4. The full headers will be under “Internet Headers.”

Outlook 98/2000
1. Open the message by double clicking on it.
2. Click on the “View” menu.
3. Click on “Options.”
4. The full headers will be under “Internet Headers.”

Outlook 97
Microsoft Outlook 97 users may need an Internet Mail Enhancement Patch to display full headers. It is available at http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/9798/outlimep.aspx

Pegasus Click on “Control” and “H.”
Pine If the header option is enabled
1. Click on “H” (Headers). 

If the header option is not enabled
1. Click on “S” (Setup).
2. Click on “C” (Configuration).
3. Scroll to “enable-full-header-cmd” and click on “Enter.”
4. Click on “E” (Exit) and “Y” (Yes).
5. Return to message window and click on “H” (Headers).

1. Click on the “Message” option.
2. Click on “View Source.”
Star Office 1. Right click on the container name in the explorer panel (a top-level mail box or a specific mail folder).
2. Select “Properties” and then the “Headers” tab.
3. Click on the “All” button (on the right) and click on “OK.”
Thunderbird Click on the “View” menu, then “Page Source”.
Yahoo Mail 1. Click on “Mail Options” (located in top navigation bar).
2. Click on the “General Preferences” link.
3. Locate the “Headers” section (under “Messages Options”) and select “Show all headers on incoming messages”.
4. Click on the “Save” button (at bottom of page).